Week 1 Hardware – Acting out the parts of the computer

The first three weeks I would like to cover hardware

First what is a a computer – a computer is a device that accepts data (input) manipulates it (processes it) and  presents output. Computers also include the means for storing data temporarily or permanently.

Matrials: computer clip art, speakers, small box with compartments, large cardboard keypad, ipad for timer, arduino for CPU, little white board for memory, magnetic numbers, magnetic board  )

Four main parts of the computer

1. Input

2. output

3. Processor

4. Storage

1. Input:

Go through picts input (mouse, keyboard, video game controller)show video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=eK9GdNq4fnc&NR=1

2. Output output

devices (monitor, speakers, printer…)

3. CPU talk

The brains and how it controls the computer (show them the arduino).

4. Storage  – Temporary storage memory about white board and erase it permanent hard drives permanent (pen), cd rom, usb, Disk Drive)

Now we will play a game and we will be the input, output, cpu, and storage (Temporary and Permanent).  Game is based on this game and this  scratch project:

Have kids draw component out of the box (made from clip art)

Start timer (if 9th student  this can be for them)

User directs (student 1mouse up, down, left,right click

Mouse (helmet)  (student 2) to number directed to on the application and puts object to be counted in the box

Motherboard (input) (student 3) brings dots to processor (Student 4)

Processor gives number to motherboard (output) (student 5)

output bus brings number to monitor (student 6)

output bus brings number to memory (writes on paper with pencil) ( Student 7)

Processor gives operator (+,-,+) to output bus

output bus brings operator to monitor.

monitor puts answer on board

User directs

mouse to save button

saves and writes hard drive with pen on paper (student 8)

How long did that take us? Repeat 3X for speed increase show how fast can the average computer do it: 357,230 operations per second.  How about with more then one program running ex. listening to music and doing math? taking turns

Wrap up

what did you learn today?

what do you want to learn next week?

Extra – sorting

Scratch Game – input output