Debug It! Level 2

Debug It!

Great Debug It video

Help! Can you debug these ten Scratch programs?
In this project, Scratch Cat wants to show you a dance. When you click on him, he should do a dance while a drum beat plays along with him. However, as soon as he starts to dance he stops but the drumming continues with out him! How can we fix this program?
In this project, when the green flag is clicked Pico should move towards Nano. When Pico reaches Nano, Pico should say “Tag, your it!” and Nano says “My turn!” But something is wrong! Pico doesn’t say anything to Nano How do we fix the program?
This project is programmed to draw a happy face but something is not quite right! The pen continues to draw from one of the eyes to the smile when it should not be doing so. How can we fix the program?
In this project, when the green flag is clicked an animation of a flower growing begins and stops once it has fully bloomed. But something is not quite right! Instead of stopping when all the petals have bloomed, the animation starts all over. How do we fix this program?
 In this project, the Happy Birthday song starts playing when the green flag is clicked. Once the song finishes, instructions should appear telling us to “click on me to blow out the candles!” But something is not working! The instructions to blow out the candles are shown while the birthday song is playing rather than after it finishes. How do we fix this program?
In this project, the Scratch Cat is doing roll call with Gobo’s friends: Giga, Nano, Pico, and Tera. But everything is happening all at once! How do we fix the program?
In this project, the Scratch Cat and Gobo are practicing their jumping routine. When Scratch Cat says “Jump!”, Gobo should jump up and down. But Gobo isn’t jumping. How do we fix the program?
In this project, the scene changes when you press the right arrow key. The star of the project — a dinosaur — should be hidden in every scene, except when the scene transitions to the auditorium backdrop. In the auditorium, the dinosaur should appear and do a dance. But the dinosaur is always present and is not dancing at the right time. How do we fix the program?
In this project, the Scratch Cat teaches Gobo to meow. But when it’s Gobo’s turn to try — Gobo stays silent. How do we fix the program? (make block)
In this project, the Scratch Cat is supposed to count from 1 to the number the user provides. But the Scratch Cat always counts to 10. How do we fix the program?