Motion: Part 1 video Review

Here is a review of Motion: Part 1 video
This video covers the basics of movement if you select the  blue motion block on the blocks palette you will see over a dozen motion blocks.
If you go to the bottom of the list of motion blocks and click on  the  check boxes for
X position
Y Position
Notice how they are 0

It is the value that the sprite is at and makes you think of a grid and that is what the Scratch Stage is, it is  a grid.  If you move your pointer around you will notice the changing co-ordinates in the bottom right
The Grid for Scratch is:
240 in the x position right
240 in the x position left
180 up in the y position
180 down in the x position

Click on the direction block check box and see how it says 90 that means he is facing 90 degrees
Leaving the x position, y position, and direction clicked is a good cheat sheet to keep handy
Lets try something use the move block and change 10 to 100.   It will now move 100 steps and look at how the x moves 100 steps
Lets try something with the direction block. Turn clockwise 15 degrees (can change to any number) and preview by clicking on the block and not dragging it into the script area.  Look at the sprits direction.  Or instead of turning  the other block to consider is the “point in direction (90 right, -90 left, 0 up, 180 down)”
Go To x: y: moves to any place you want x: 0 y: 0 puts it back to the middle

Glide !awesome block alert!  Creates an animation glide for 3 sec to x: 100, y:  0