Scratch Unit 7 – Conditionals with puzzles

Home Work watch the following or review conditionals


Interactivity is awesome — it’s what differentiates a Scratch project from a still image or a video, and is at the heart of all games.  Condition is a question whose answer is “yes” or “no” or statement that is “true” or “false”

Create Scratch programs that solve some or all of the following interactivity puzzles

  1. Whenever you press the B key, the sprite gets a little bigger. Whenever you press the S key, the sprite gets a little smaller.
  2. When the sprite touches something blue, it plays a high note. When the sprite touches something red, it plays a low note.
  3. Whenever two sprites collide, one of them says: “Excuse me.”

Continue on or work on your story book project or do more challanges.

4. Whenever the cat sprite gets near the dog sprite, the dog turns and runs from the cat.

5. Whenever you click on the background, a flower appears at that spot

6. Whenever you move the mouse-pointer, the sprite follows but doesn’t touch the mouse-pointer.

7. Super Challenge: Construct an animation with three sprites: a person, the Sun and a pair of sunglasses.  The sunglasses are magical and automatically sense when the sun is about to shine in the eyes of the person.  The person sits in one spot.  The sun rises and sets by moving up and down.  The magical sunglasses are to the right of the person. Wenever the sunglasses touch the sun, they quickly move to cover the person’s eyes and then return to their initial position.

CS concept:condition A condition is a question whose answer is “yes” or “no,” or a statement that is “true” or “false.”

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