Operation Game

Day one – New Project Day!!!  The Project for the second part of the year is to use MakeyMakey to make an anatomy game.  The possibilities are endless.

Some fun Examples:

Human touch , wack a potato, Pressure sensor, operation, Speaking of operation could I call on a volunteer? To play operation? Review how it works.

 OK your turn
Exercise 1:
Create a project in scratch that has sprite react to the arrow keys.  Forward for right arrow, backward for left arrow, etc.
Homework: think about a project you are interested in
Day two:
3.  Complete exercise 1 from Day 1 (Create a project in scratch that has sprite react to the arrow keys.  Forward for right arrow, backward for left arrow, etc.)
4. Experiment with different materials.
  1. Find something in the room to use
  2. Move part of your game with the foot/hand pedal
  3. Use materials in the box with MakeyMakey
  4. Use really long wire to make something happen from far away
  5. how many people can you connect and still get makeymakey to work
  6. Grab a game sheet and make a game work with MakeyMakey
  7. hook up pressure plate
  8.  hook up operation game
Day 4: Variables and Game Submit project ideas


Day 5: Advanced sensing not everything will need MakeyMakey


Day 6-10 : Work on project hook up MakeyMakey, review cleanup, and remind about careful use of materials.

Supplies: MakeyMakey, cardboard, tinfoil, copper tape

Some Day:

Day 13: Operators

  • Whenever the sprite hears a loud sound, it changes color.
  • Whenever the sprite is in the top 25% of the screen, it says “I like it up here.”


Level 3 concepts that we did not cover last year: Vector Drawing and flappy bat and

Ask (into to variables) Talk about project

Make block


Debug It Level 4



Code.org in case scratch is down